The 5th of Shaban marks the birth anniversary of Imam Ali ibn al-Hussain (p).

Imam Zayn al-Abidin (p) is reported to have said: 
“The one who is content with what God has allocated [in sustenance] for him is the wealthiest of people.”
[al-Majlisi, Bihar al-anwar, vol. 75, p. 158]

:روي عن الإمام علي بن الحسين زين العابدين (ع) 
“من قنع بما قسم الله له فهو من أغنى النّاس”
[المجلسي، بحار الأنوار، ج ٧٥ ، ص ١٥٨]

For more information about Imam Ali ibn al-Hussain (p), click here.

(Click here to learn about varying dates for Islamic events.)

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