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I am a doctoral student whose work focuses on the architecture of mosques. My graduate advisor is interested in mosques, but he is an atheist (he used to be a Muslim). My research involves entering mosques to collect data and may require that my advisor comes with me. So, I would like to ask whether it is permissible or forbidden for him to enter.


An atheist entering into a mosque (i.e. a place dedicated specifically as a charitable endowment, or waqf, for the purpose of prayer and other worship) is not allowed (haram). But such is not the case for Islamic centers that are not technically mosques. However, even for mosques, allowing the atheist to enter would be allowed if you are confident it will impact him spiritually, making him reconsider his beliefs, meaning it's possible your advisor may be inspired to (re)adopt his previous [Islamic] beliefs.

  • beliefs
  • mosque
  • non muslim
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I was in a temporary marriage. I received my time back at the beginning of the year (i.e. my temporary marriage was terminated). Nonetheless, I have not had a period for several months since then. So am I still in the temporary marriage since I have not had a period since he gave me my time back?


As for the time he gave back to you, the rest of the duration of your temporary marriage is terminated. However, you must observe a waiting period of two menstrual cycles before you can conduct any marriage with a different man. If you are in a situation that you cannot have menstrual cycles, then the waiting period is 45 days before you can conduct any marriage with a different man.

  • temporary marriage
What is your question?

If a food contains an enzyme as one of its ingredients but it does not specify if that enzyme is plant, microbial or animal-derived, is it considered halal and permissible to eat?


As long as there is doubt in the source of that enzyme then there is no objection to eating it.

  • doubt
  • enzymes
What is your question?

I have been having trouble with doubt in najasat and I over-think everything. My husband has been living here for so long and he is used to not washing (with water) after using the bathroom. Sometimes when he does not use water he scratches that area with his hand, which might be sweating. Then I think when he touches anything or me that it will become najis. Am I over-thinking this or should I ignore it and pray without overthinking about it.

Also, if my wet hand touches leather [bought in the West] or haram meat (e.g. chicken), what should I do? I cannot clean everything, so when it comes time for prayers I change my clothes and perform ablution if I have touched the above mentioned thing, is my salat fine?


Do not worry about your husband spreading najasah after he uses the bathroom. Even if he sweats, you are not sure that it creates enough wetness to transfer najasah. Furthermore, you are not sure that he actually touches the najis part specifically. And even if both those conditions exist, you do not know that he touches something else while his hand is still wet. It is highly improbable that all three of those things happen, and the smallest bit of doubt is enough to say that something is not najis.

If your wet hand touches meat that you know was not slaughtered according to Islamic law, then you can just wash your hand. There is no need to change your clothes.

There is no need to clean everything. Only clean in cases where you are absolutely positive something has become najis, and only the parts you are certain became najis.

If you continue to be obsessive about najasah, there is a chance you could harm your faith (God forbid) because practicing religion would become unbearably difficult for you. Islamic law does not intend to create hardship in the matter of najasah, and there is wisdom behind this. Follow the way of pious people, who do not obsess about najasah while still observing their duties. One should not allow his or her mind to be unnecessarily preoccupied with cleanliness, for it will prevent him or her from more important acts of piety, like controlling the tongue, focusing in prayer, etc.

  • doubt
  • najasat
  • najis
What is your question?

Can a person supplicate his/her personal request in qunoot and if yes, can it be in a language other than Arabic?


Yes, a person can supplicate his/her personal request in qunoot, and also do so in a different language, but it will not count and be rewarded as a part of recommended (mustahab) practice in the prayer.

  • prayer
What is your question?

Is it permissible to short sell a stock on stock market? Since short selling is a very popular way of protection against market decline, I will describe this concept so as to understand Sayyid Sistani's opinion on this and be guided to the right path. "In simple terms, you execute a short sale by borrowing the asset or instrument that you wish to short sell, and selling it at the current market price. If and when the price of the asset declines, you buy it back and return it to the lender to ?cover? your short sale. The difference between the price at which you sold the asset and the price at which you bought it back represents your gross profit or loss." (From: Investopedia) An example is the following. Suppose a particular stock trades at $170 today and I think it is overpriced, so I borrow 100 shares of this company and sell it at $1700. Then after a week, suppose the stock falls down to $160, so I now buy 100 shares for $1600 and return back the 100 shares [I previously borrowed]. Therefore, I have gained $100. Note that what is being bought and sold is completely determined. It is only the case that I sell what I have borrowed.


Executing a transaction on any assets such as stock shares require the permission of the owner or his representative therefore if the owner permits the borrower to sell and buy back the stock shares, the transaction is deemed valid otherwise it will be invalid. This is with respect to the transaction in itself aside from if it involving usury or dealing with intoxicating beverages.

  • investments
  • profit
  • stock market
What is your question?

Are dogs Haram? Is there any way that I can have a dog without it being haram? Why is it haram?


Dogs are not haram (i.e. keeping them) per se, however they are najis. A dog can be kept in one's yard, but of course if they touch something with wetness it becomes najis. Selling or buying dogs is haram since they are najis, except if you buy it for a real/practical purpose such as security or hunting. Thus, you pay for the purpose of its use and not for the value of the dog itself.

  • dogs
  • haram
  • najis
What is your question?

We have an optional retirement plan at work called a 403b. The person voluntarily contributes a certain percentage of their paycheck and the company matches that contribution. The total sum of money is invested by an outside agency in different stocks. These stocks almost always include companies such as Chase, Wells Fargo, MasterCard which are obviously interest profiting companies. Is this permissible?


They are permissible.

  • interest
  • investments
  • retirement
What is your question?

I have vitiligo / leukoderma but it is not bad. I came across some laws in the translation of Ayatollah Sistani's jurisprudence which I would like clarification on concerning my condition:

"1468. It is better that a person who suffers from blotches or leprosy does not lead the congregational prayers, and, on the basis of obligatory precaution, a person who has been subjected to Islamic punishment should not be followed."

Is that talking about vitiligo? Is the entire ruling based on obligatory precaution? What does all the other Marja say about this? The word "better" has been used and the ruling does not say ?haram? or ?makrooh?. Is it concerning the imam of congregational prayers of a mosque only? Can I lead the salat for my family?


Yes, this ruling includes vitiligo. However, it is not [included in] obligatory precaution. In other words, there is no problem in you leading the prayer for your family, or any other person. It is good that you pray jama'ah with your children, and there is no reason to allow this issue to prevent you from doing so.

  • congregation
  • medical condition
What is your question?

In the book Gohare Yagana there is a reply to one of the questions, that one should fast for 15 days in the month of Rajab and then stop fasting, and yet in another guidance book, which is not from the 12th Imam (p), it is written that one can fast throughout the month of Rajab. Which one is to be followed?


We, as the followers of Prophet Muhammed and his purified progeny (pbut), are committed to following the religious rulings according to the Imami-Twelver school of jurisprudence. During this era, which is the occultation of our twelfth Imam (p), the legitimate method of obtaining Islamic rulings is by emulating a qualified jurist also known as Marja?. With regards to your question, our jurists (maraji?) indicate that it is recommended (mustahab) to fast the entire month of Rajab, or at least fast the days that hold high significance such as:

The first three days, the three middle days, and the last three days of the month.

The three days of the middle of the month.

The first, middle, and last day of the month.

The holiest days of the Month of Rajab such as the 13th of Rajab which marks the birth anniversary of the commander of the faithful Imam Ali (p), and the 27th of Rajab which marks the anniversary of the day of Maba'ath (the beginning of the Holy Prophet's mission of propagating the message of Almighty Allah).

  • food
  • rajab